Here is a guide to install gPodder Podcast Client version 2.20 using the Thomas Perl PPA for gPodder. gPodder is a podcast receiver/catcher. You can subscribe to feeds (“podcasts”) and automatically download new audio and video content. Downloaded content can be played on your computer or synchronized to iPods, MTP-based players, filesystem-based MP3 players and Bluetooth enabled mobile phones. YouTube video feeds are also supported.
To add the PPA and to install gPodder Podcast Client open a terminal window (press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy+paste the following lines:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thp/gpodder
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gpodder
When installed close the terminal window and to start gPodder press the SuperKey and type: gpodder
gPodder Homepage