In 2010 the former n00b on Ubuntu nightfly set up the n00bs on Ubuntu Facebook page, i finally found the time to link my site…
Here is a guide to install MediaTomb on Ubuntu 14.04 MediaTomb is an UPnP MediaServer with a nice web user interface, it allows you to…
You can install Oracle Java 8 using the Oracle Java (JDK) 6 / 7 / 8 Installer PPA from the “WebUpd8” team. The installer includes…
Here is a guide to add the Open Terminal Here option to your file menu. After adding this option you can open a terminal window…
For the last months I’ve been having some server sided problems and was unable to post or update WordPress and the plugins I use. But…
Here is a guide to install VirtualBox and the VirtualBox extension pack. I will also show you how to add your username to the vboxusers…
Here is a guide to install Steam on Ubuntu 14.04 Steam is the ultimate entertainment platform. Play, connect, create and more. Install Steam today and…