Here is a guide to install the Ambiance Adium Message Style for Empathy, Emesene and Pidgin.
Installation for Empathy
First you need to make the adium and the message-styles folders in your .local/share folder. To do this open a terminal window and copy+paste the following line:
mkdir .local/share/adium/ && mkdir .local/share/adium/message-styles/
Now Download the Ambiance Adium message style for Empathy Then change into your Dowloads folder and extract the content of the downloaded 146855-Ambiance.AdiumMessageStyle-1.8.tar.gz file:
cd ~/Downloads/ && tar -xzvf 146855-Ambiance.AdiumMessageStyle-1.8.tar.gz
To move the folder to the .local/share/adium/message-styles folder:
mv Ambiance.AdiumMessageStyle/ ~/.local/share/adium/message-styles/
When done you can close the terminal window and to enable the Ambiance Adium message style press the SuperKey and type: empathy. Click on Edit -> Preferences and select the Themes tab. Click on the Chat Theme button and select Ambiance. There are some variants available under the Variant button. Click on it and select them to get a preview of the variant.
Installation for Emesene
Make sure you have emesene installed… if not open a terminal window and copy+paste the follwoing line to installe emesene:
sudo apt-get install emesene
Now Download the Ambiance Adium message style for Emesene. As root, extract the content of the 146855-Ambiance.AdiumMessageStyle-1.8.tar.gz file and move it to your /usr/share/emesene/emesene/themes/conversations/ folder:
cd ~/Dowloads/
tar -xzvf 146855-Ambiance.AdiumMessageStyle-1.8.tar.gz
sudo mv Ambiance.AdiumMessageStyle/ /usr/share/emesene/emesene/themes/conversations/
To start Emesene press the SuperKey and type: emesene. Now click on Options -> Preferences and select the Theme options. Here you can select the Adium theme and set an variant of the theme.
Installation for Pidgin
First install the plugin that provides support for Adium themes in Pidgin. This is not that simple but to do this open a terminal window (press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy+paste the follwoing lines:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webkit-team/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes pidgin-dev libpurple-dev libwebkit-dev bzr checkinstall
bzr branch lp:~pdffs/pidgin-webkit/karmic-fixes
cd karmic-fixes/
sudo checkinstall --fstrans=no --install=yes --pkgname=pidgin-adium --pkgversion "0.1" --default
cd ..
sudo rm -r karmic-fixes/
sudo chown -R $USER ~/.purple/
Replace $USER for your own username (Soucre).
Now Download the Ambiance Adium message style for Pidgin and extract the content of the 146855-Ambiance.AdiumMessageStyle-1.8.tar.gz file and move it into your .purple/message_styles/ folder:
cd ~/Downloads/
tar -xzvf 146855-Ambiance.AdiumMessageStyle-1.8.tar.gz
mv Ambiance.AdiumMessageStyle/ ~/.purple/message_styles/
Now start Pidgin press the SuperKey and type: pidgin. Click on Tools -> Plugins and enable the Webkit messages styles 0.1 plugin. Click on the Configure Plugin button and select a variant you like, when done click on the Close button (twice) and if all went well you should see the Ambiance Adium message style when starting a new dialog with your buddy 🙂