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How To Install The Android SDK Manager On Ubuntu 13.04

Here is a guide to install the Android SDK (Software Development Kit) manager on Ubuntu 13.04.

The Android software development kit (SDK) includes a comprehensive set of development tools. These include a debugger, libraries, a handset emulator based on QEMU, documentation, sample code, and tutorials. Visit the Android SDK Hompage

First you need to install Java on your system, to install Java read this article.

Download the Android SDK manager

When downloaded open a terminal window (press Ctrl+Al+T) and make a folder in your Home directory. I decided to make it a hidden folder called .android in this directory. To make the folder copy+paste the following lines:

mkdir .android

When the folder is created change directory into the .android folder and unzip the downloaded SDK package. To do this copy+paste the following lines:

cd .android
tar xvzf ~/Downloads/android*

When the SDK package is unzipped you can close the terminal window.

How to make the launcher.

You can make the launcher for the Android SDK manager using the alacarte menu maker. If you don’t have alacarte installed on your system open a terminal window (press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy+paste the following line:

sudo apt-get install alacarte -y

When the installation is finished you can close the terminal window and to start alacarte press the SuperKey and type: alacarte

To make the launcher follow these steps:

Click on Programming
Click on New Item
Enter a name in the name field (Android SDK)
Click on the Browse button
Open the .android/android-sdk-linux/tools/ folder
Select the android file
Enter a comment (optional)
Click on the launcher icon button
Open the .android/android-sdk-linux/tools/templates/projects/NewAndroidLibrary folder
Select the template_new_project.png file
When done click on the OK button
Click on the Close button

How to add the launcher to the launcher panel

To add the launcher to your launcher panel follow these steps

press the SuperKey and type: android sdk
Select the launcher
Drag and drop it into the launcher panel

To start the Android SDK manager click on the launcher in your launcher panel.

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