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How To Install The WOW-2 Theme On Ubuntu 13.04

Here is a guide to install the WOW-2 Theme on Ubuntu 13.04. Visit the WOW-2 theme page on deviantART. Note: If you already have the .themes folder you can skip the mkdir .themes step.

To download and install the WOW-2 theme open a terminal window (press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy+paste the following lines:

Click here to download the WOW-2 theme

mkdir .themes

cd .themes

unzip ~/Downloads/

When the installation is finished you can close the terminal window and to use the WOW-2 theme you can change themes using Ubuntu Tweak.

To start Ubuntu Tweak and to make the WOW-2 theme your default theme follow the steps below.

To start Ubuntu Tweak press the SuperKey and type: ubuntu tweak
Click on the Tweaks button
Click on the Theme button
Click on the Gtk theme button
Select the WOW-2 theme you like
Click on the Window theme button
Select the WOW-2 window theme you like
Close Ubuntu Tweak when done

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