Here is a guide to install Urban Terror on Ubuntu 13.04.
Urban Terrorâ„¢ is a free multiplayer first person shooter developed by FrozenSand, that (thanks to the ioquake3-code) does not require Quake III Arena anymore. Urban Terror can be described as a Hollywood tactical shooter; somewhat realism based, but the motto is “fun over realism”. This results in a very unique, enjoyable and addictive game. No registration required: Download, install, play!
To install Urban Terror download the UrTUpdater file, extract the content of the UrbanTerror42.tar.gz file to a location you want, open a terminal window and run the UrTUpdater file. I downloaded the game files in a folder called Games in my Home folder. Because you download the game files instead of installing them there is no launcher added to your system. You can start the game by double clicking on the Quake3-UrT.i386 or Quake3-UrT.x86_64 file so i created a launcher using alacarte menu maker. When making the launcher you can also add an icon to it but the game comes without an icon. I downloaded this icon and added the icon to my Urban Terror folder.
First download the file from the page below
Urban Terror Download Page
When downloaded open a terminal window (press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy+paste the following lines:
For 32 bit systems
mkdir ~/Games/
cd ~/Downloads/
tar xvzf UrbanTerror42.tar.gz
mv UrbanTerror42/ ~/Games/
mv Urban_Terror_Icon_by_Roflbot.png ~/Games/UrbanTerror42/
cd ~/Games/UrbanTerror42/
For 64 bit systems
mkdir ~/Games/
cd ~/Downloads/
tar xvzf UrbanTerror42.tar.gz
mv UrbanTerror42/ ~/Games/
mv Urban_Terror_Icon_by_Roflbot.png ~/Games/UrbanTerror42/
cd ~/Games/UrbanTerror42/
When the installation is finished you can close the terminal window.
How to make the launcher.
To make the launcher you need to have alacarte menu maker installed on your system, to install alacarte open a terminal window (press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy+paste the following line:
sudo apt-get install alacarte
When the installation is finished you can close the terminal window.
To start alacarte press the SuperKey and type: alacarte To make the launcher follow these steps:
Click on Programming
Click on New Item
Enter a name in the name field (Urban Terror)
Click on the Browse button
Open the ~/Games/UrbanTerror42/ folder
Select the Quake3-UrT.i386 file
Enter a comment (optional)
Click on the launcher icon button
Open the ~/Games/UrbanTerror42/ folder
Select the Urban_Terror_Icon_by_Roflbot.png file
When done click on the OK button
Click on the Close button
To start Urban Terror press the Superkey and type: urban terror