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RSSOwl, A Free And Powerful News Feed Reader

RSSOwl is a free and powerful news feed reader. RSSOwl lets you gather, organize and search news in a convenient, easy to use interface with endless flexibility.

You can download RSSOwl here and when downloaded extract it to a locacation you like. To start RRSOwl open the folder and double click the RSSOwl file and RSSOwl will start.

To add your feeds click on File in the top panel and select Import and add the url of the feed. When done click on the Next button to load the new feeds click on the Finish button. It’s also possible to import an exported feed list (feedlist.opml) from Liferea.

RSSOwl is based on a platform that can easily be extended with additional functionality. We provide some add-ons that are worth mentioning here. If you open Tools | Add-ons | Find Add-ons you see a list of available add-ons for your platform. The most popular one is likely the Newsgroup reader that turns RSSOwl into a nntp-client (find out more here). Another useful add-on that was recently added is the Offline Mode that allows to stop all network access from RSSOwl as long as the offline mode is active.

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