It’s been released some days ago but here are the download links and a way to install the kernel. Use on your own risk stuff…
Linux Kernel v3.5.1 is released. Use on your own risk… stuff like drivers for wifi and video cards may not work after installing this kernel.…
Linux kernel v3.4-rc5-precise is released…. use on your own risk . Stuff like drivers for wifi and video cards may not work after installing this…
Linux Kernel v3.4-rc3-precise Is Released…. Use on your own risk!! v3.4-rc3-precise changelog
For those who like to test the latest kernel V3.4 release candidate…
A couple of days ago the Linux kernel v3.3.1 was released…
Here is a guide to upgrade your kernel to version 3.2 using the Francis Brown PPA for kernels on Ubuntu 11.10.