12 Rules for Life Sometimes we just need to remember what the 12 Rules of Life really are: 1. Never give yourself a haircut after…
Welcome to n00bsonubuntu, n00bs on Ubuntu. Welcome to our site! We are two good looking dutch n00bs, Tinuz and Nightfly. Tinuz is the one on…
The Ubuntu Restricted Extras will install Adobe Flash Player, Java Runtime Environment (JRE) (sun-java-jre) with Firefox plug-ins(icedtea), a set of Microsoft Fonts msttcorefonts), multimedia codecs(w32codecs…
working on this topic….
The KDE desktop 19. Switch to an KDE If neither Gnome or XFCE are helping you be more productive, then try KDE. It's the most…
Getting multimedia to work The default Ubuntu install contains free software only, which means that it doesn’t support some popular multimedia formats straight out of…