It may sound strange but in all the years I’ve been using Ubuntu only one or two distro upgrades worked without problems. All the other…
I haven’t been blogging for man years but i always kept my site up-to-date as best as possible. I upgraded WordPress to the latest version…
Because the old galleries didn’t work anymore i had to create new ones. The Ubuntu Wallpapers, Ubuntu Desktop wallpapers and “Sexy” Ubuntu wallpapers galleries are…
Here’s the Ubuntu 14.10 “Utopic Unicorn” release schedule, Ubuntu 14.10 “Utopic Unicorn” will be released on October 16th 2014.
We’re all packed and ready to go on a 2 week vacation to Zeeland. I’m not sure if i have the time to post articles…
The first Alpha of the Saucy Salamander (to become 13.10) has now been released! This alpha features images for Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu GNOME, and UbuntuKylin.…
I’m trying to make n00bs on Ubuntu more mobile friendly and i found this nice WordPress plugin that turns the site in a nice mobile…