DeaDBeeF is a lightweight audio player for GNU/Linux, BSD, OpenSolaris and probably other UNIX-like systems.
Watch in HD on YouTube
To install DeaDBeeF open a terminal window (press Alt+F2 and type: gnome-terminal) and copy+paste the following lines:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:alexey-smirnov/deadbeef
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install deadbeef
To start DeaDBeef press Alt+F2 and type: deadbeef
DeaDBeeF Homepage
Some features are: minimal depends; native GTK2 GUI; cuesheet support; mp3, ogg, flac, ape; chiptune formats with subtunes, song-length databases and many more.
added support for multichannel output
added support for output in 8,24,32,float32 bits per sample formats
improved replaygain support, with new options
new DSP plugin API, allowing format conversions, time stretching and multiple instances
configurable DSP chains
added VGZ support to GME plugin
moved libsamplerate resampler to separate DSP plugin
added new playlist plugin API
added new plugin for importing and exporting M3U and PLS formats
added Edit->Sort By menu entry, with flexible sort options
DUMB, AOSDK, SHN plugins are not distributed in deadbeef tarball anymore
added “Shuffle albums” mode
improved metadata editing, allowing modification of any text fields, including custom fields
added support for editing metadata for multiple selected tracks
improved Album Artist support
added album covers to notifications
title formatting now gives access to any track properties
new option to auto-rename playlist when adding folders
multiple mp3 plugin improvements, both speed and stability
extended VFS plugin API to allow archive/container plugins
added new ZIP plugin, to add/play files from zip files without unpacking
numerous stability fixes in CURL plugin
numerous stability fixes in AAC plugin
fixed “hotkeys stop working after reboot” problem
multiple improvements in playlist sorting and grouping
multiple fixes in gtk widget rendering (playlist, tab bar, etc)
few improvements in cue parser
added OSS device selection to gui configuration
reworked plugin list UI, to make bigger description field, and per-plugin license terms
added saving/restoring window geometry to track properties and preferences
new plugin Converter: convert from any supported format using customizable encoder presets)
new plugin Soundtouch: resample, change pitch/tempo, timestretch, etc
added support for files larger than 2Gb in size
fixed CD Audio plugin freeze after switching CDs
added support for switching GUI plugins to preferences window
customizable lists of supported file extensions in SNDFILE and FFMPEG plugins
fixed rendering of right-to-left text in playlist group titles
added description with example to shellexec plugin
fixed mp3 gapless playback (via LAME info tags)
improved search speed
added –play-pause command line option