I was looking for a way to change the screensvaver on Ubuntu 11.10. I couldn’t find the option myself so i posted a question about it on Ask Ubuntu and here is the answer… The Gnome 3 Devs dumped gnome-screensaver – however the Canonical Devs thought it was a useful idea to continue and raised a blue-print for implementation in Oneiric. A few ideas was raised such as a Compiz specific implementation or reusing a Lubuntu screensaver implementation. However – as at the time of writing, no implementation was started.
To install and enable the XScreenSaver open a terminal window (click on the Dash home launcher and type: terminal) and copy+paste the following line:
sudo apt-get install xscreensaver xscreensaver-gl-extra xscreensaver-data-extra xscreensaver-screensaver-bsod
Now remove gnome-screensaver
sudo apt-get remove gnome-screensaver
Now start the xscreensaver configuration tool using a terminal:
Click OK to both prompts asking to turn-off Gnome Daemon and to start xscreensaver-daemon respectively.
To create a rule to start the xscreensaver daemon on login, click on the Dash home launcher and type: startup applications. Click on the Add button and enter a name for the rule and to start XScreenSaver on login use this command:
xscreensaver -nosplash
Read my question and Jorge Castro’s answer on Ask Ubuntu
you really really should pay more attention to your own site dude!
love you anyway haha!