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How To Install My Nautilus Script To Use A Video As A Wallpaper On Ubuntu 13.04

Here is a Nautilus script i created some years ago to set a video as a wallpaper. It’s not as complicated as My Video Wallpaper script to install but it’s pretty simple to install.

The script uses Zenity to select a video and plays it on your desktop using mplayer.

To get the script working i created an installer script (32b and 64b) that does all the “hard” work for you. The script will check if you have all the needed packages instaled on your system and if not it will install them.

For 32b systems download the script and open a terminal window (press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy+paste the following lines:

Download the script here

cd ~/Downloads/

chmod +x


For 64b systems download the script and open a terminal window (press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy+paste the following lines:

Download the script here

cd ~/Downloads/

chmod +x


When the installation is finished you can close the terminal window.

To start the script select a file on your desktop or in an open folder (the Scripts option is NOT shown when clicking on your desktop) and select the Scripts optin in the list and select the video wallpaper script. When the script is opened click on the OK button and browse to the location where the video is saved and double click on the video. Now the video will be used as your wallpaper.

Please note that when minimizing/closing all open windows/files the video will go on top of Unity so it looks like Unity crashed and the launcher panel is no longer visible. This is not the case, to open a program just press the SuperKey and type in the name of the program and it will be started. When the program is up and running the program window will pop up like it normal does and the Launcher panel is also shown again.

This “bug” is something i tried to fix but i couldn’t find the solution. If you use multiple workspaces and have programs/windows open on more then one workspace you won’t have the problem mentioned above.

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