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How To Install The Promethean Activboard Driver And ActivInspire Software On Ubuntu 12.10

I was asked to install the Promethean Activboard driver and software on Windows 8.

But after installing the needed files Windows 8 crashed big time and i decided to install it on Ubuntu 12.10 to see how the board works on Ubuntu. Just like i expected it works great on Ubuntu and here is a guide that will show you how to install all the needed packages.

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To install the driver, tools and ActivInspire software you first need to install the libjpeg62 package, to do this open a terminal window (press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy+paste the following line:

sudo apt-get install libjpeg62

When the libjpeg62 package is installed open the Ubuntu Software Center (press the SuperKey and type: software center) and click on the Edit option in the top menu. In the list select Software Sources and select the Other Software tab followed by clicking on the Add button. Now copy+paste the following line in the APT line field:

deb precise oss non-oss

When the line is pasted into the field click on the Add Source button and enter your password followed by clicking on the Authenticate button. When done you can close the Ubuntu Software Center.

Before you can update the sources list you may want to add the public key to your system, to do this copy+paste the following line in your terminal window:

wget && sudo apt-key add Promethean.asc

When the key is added you can install the needed packages using the following command lines:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install activinspire activtools activdriver

When all the package are installed you can close the terminal window. And to run the Activinspire software press the SuperKey and type: activinspire

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11 years ago

That’s good… what do I do with ubuntu 13.04? The repos are no longer valids, I can’t install and need it! Please help!