Here is a short guide to install the classic menu indicator on Ubuntu 11.04 (Unity). The ClassicMenu Indicator is an indicator applet for Unity, that provides the main menu of Gnome2/Gnome Classic. Besides bringing back the menu the as you know it the ClassicMenu also shows the wine, Preferences and Administration menus. Instead of Using the Unity launcher you can now start programs using a normal menu.
To install the ClassicMenu open a terminal window (presst Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy+paste the following lines:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:diesch/testing
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install classicmenu-indicator
When installed logout and back in again and the ClassicMenu indicator will be started automatically.
I like this, makes it a lot easier to find what one’s looking for.
i use the Alt+F2 combination most of the times 🙂
For the wife and the kids it’s a lot easier though.
Not just for the wife and kids… It makes it easy for all of us 🙂