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Banshee 1.9.4 Is Released

Banshee 1.9.4 is a development release, part of the 1.9.x series leading up to Banshee 2.0 Banshee is a media player that allows you to play your music, videos, and other media media as well sync it with portable devices to take your media on the go. Banshee includes features to import your media, manage its metadata, and play your music and videos.

To install Banshee open a Terminal window (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal) and copy+paste the following lines:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:banshee-team/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install banshee

When installed you can find Banshee under Applications -> Sound & Video -> Banshee Media Player.

If you already have Banshee and the banshee-team ppa installed Banshee will be updated to the latest version when running a system update.


* Various fixes and improvements to the Windows build
* MultimediaKeys: Support Pause, FastForward, Rewind, Repeat and Shuffle
* Advertise lastfm scheme handling in the .desktop files

Notable Bugs Fixed (25 fixed since 1.9.3):

* AmazonMp3.Store: Fix the server ‘Home’ redirect
* Misc theme and string fixes
* bgo#638541: Don’t try to find subtitle files for music
* Fix the position label when the stream ends
* TrackInfoDisplay: Don’t display last track when idle
* bgo#614530: Fixed a ListView glitch
* bgo#642717: SoundMenu: don’t call BlacklistMediaPlayer on startup

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