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How To Make A Launcher And An Icon Quick List To Set A Video As A Wallpaper On Ubuntu 12.10

I created an icon quick list to set a video as a wallpaper using alacarte and some scripts. For installing and downloading the needed files i created a script but making the launcher and the icon quick list is a bit tricky.

Not all video types are supported you need to figure out what video types work and which don’t work


This is the result

The script will install xwinwrap, zenity, mplayer, alacarte and the classicmenu-indicator on your system. The script also downloads and moves the needed files and videos to your Documents and Videos folders. The script will add the following videos to your system:

Digital DNA

How does it work? Just download the script and save it to your Downloads folder and extract the content of the tar.gz file. When extracted open a terminal window (press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy+paste the code below:

For 32 bit systems:

Download the script here

cd ~/Downloads/
chmod +x video-desktop-script-v1.0

When the script is finished you can close the terminal window and you need to start the classicmenu-indicator, to do this press Alt+F2 and type: classicmenu-indicator. When done you need to log out and back in again.

For 64 bit systems:

Download the script here

cd ~/Downloads/
chmod +x video-desktop-script-64b-v1.0.0

When the script is finished you can close the terminal window and you need to start the classicmenu-indicator, to do this press Alt+F2 and type: classicmenu-indicator. When done you need to log out and back in again.

To create the launcher you need alacarte. To open alacarte press the SuperKey and type: alacarte. To make the launcher follow these steps:

Select Sound & Video in Menus list
Click on New Item button
Enter a name (VideoDesk or something you like)
Click on the Browse… button
Open the following folders: Documents -> VideoWallpapers and select: plasmaball-wallpaper
Add a comment (optional)
When done click on the Close button.

Now it’s time to add some code to the alacarte-made.desktop file, open a terminal window (press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy+paste the following line:

gedit .local/share/applications/alacarte-made.desktop

When the file is open copy+paste the code below at the end of the alacarte-made.desktop file:

X-Ayatana-Desktop-Shortcuts=Anonymous;Cypersphere;Digital DNA;Ubuntu;Quit

[Anonymous Shortcut Group]

[Cypersphere Shortcut Group]

[Digital DNA Shortcut Group]
Name=Digital DNA

[Ubuntu Shortcut Group]

[Quit Shortcut Group]

When done adding the code to the launcher file replace tinuz for your username. When done you can save and close the file and close the terminal window.

In the next step we will add the newly made launcher to the launcher panel. Press the SuperKey or Alt+F2 and search for the launcher by entering it’s name in the search field (VideoDesk or something you liked). When the launcher is shown in the search result select the launcher and drag and drop it on to the launcher panel. If you get no search result you need to log out and back in again.

The launcher will now be shown in the launcher panel and to start the plasmaball video all you have to do is to click on the launcher. To use another video click with your right mouse button on the launcher and a list will appear with other videos you can set as your wallpaper. To enable one of the other videos all you have to do is to select the video from the quick list. To stop a video select the quit option in the icons quick list.

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