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Install Savage XR On Ubuntu 10.10 “Maverick Meerkat”

Choose to be a commander and you will play an in-depth RTS managing the stronghold, or choose to be a warrior and you will play an intense game of first person combat. With the creation of a new game play genre, RTSS (Real Time Strategy Shooter), Savage expertly redefines the first-person shooter and real-time strategy genres by combining elements of both into one cohesive experience.

As the commander in RTS mode, you will tackle resource management, develop a robust tech tree, plan your assault and lead real human players into battle. As a warrior in action mode, you will master many unique weapons, powerful units, and siege vehicles to fight a fast paced battle.

Savage HomepageDownload Savage XR

To install Savage XR download it from the download page and when downloaded open your download folder, click with your right mouse button on the xr_setup-1.0rc3-cl_lin_prod.bin file and select Properties. Click on the Permissions tab and make the file executable and set the Acces to Read and write. When done close the Properties window. Now open a Terminal window (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal) and copy+paste the following line:

sudo ./Downloads/xr_setup-1.0rc3-cl_lin_prod.bin

And follow the on screen installation instructions. When installed you can start Savage XR with the following command line:

sudo /usr/local/savage-xr/

I tried to install it without the sudo command but when you want to play the game it will search for updates but after updating the game won’t start.

video from HurlyBurly3027 youtube channel

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13 years ago

Its games like this that make me wonder why our platform isn’t the killer gaming platform.. Look at the smoothness and depth! <3

13 years ago

There are two main youtube channels about Savage XR:

One with gameplay/fraging/tutorials:

A second one for competitive gaming:


13 years ago

i hv something about to launch this application easy..

1st- go to System>Preferences>Main Menu.
2- go to Games>Savage XR. and click Properties
3- in “Type” box, choose “Application in Terminal”.. in “command box” copy paste this “sudo /usr/local/savage-xr/” and close.
4- now go to Application>Games>Savage XR. and when terminal display, type your password and now you can play it. its more easy right? =)