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Pulse-audio equaliser

Pulse-audio is an advanced sound server which has been included with your Ubuntu since our Hardy Heron (8.04) came on scene. But one thing has always been missing by default.. Well two, but one that really bothered me the most, was a multi-band equaliser. Or to you and I, a bass and treble adjuster thingy.


  • Configurable 15 band equalizer for PulseAudio;
  • You can enable or disable equalized audio on-the-fly, without having to restart any running applications;
  • Offers the choice of using equalised audio for the current session or permanently.
  • No need to edit any configuration files by hand.

So without a further of a to-do, whip out your terminal and get inputting the following lines.

sudo sudo add-apt-repository ppa:psyke83/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pulseaudio-equalizer

From now you can just type in pulseaudio-equalizer-gtk in your terminal. Cool!

Have your music play, click EQ enabled, set your preference on the sliders. click apply settings and you will hear your changes. This is temporary, if you wish to keep it session wide, then click keep settings, then apply settings again.

Generally you shouldn’t have an issue with it. Just use it like any equaliser. However it has been known to muck up with some sound chips, you may hear certain clicking or popping as you change other settings. This shouldn’t prove much of an annoyance though.

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14 years ago

This is an installation manaul/guide like thingy for Ubuntu 9.10 and 10.04. we are currently working on an Ubuntu 10.10 installation guide but we had some problems finding a working version for Ubuntu 10.10. After a long and hard search i managed to find one and am currently working on creating a ppa for it. When the ppa is created i will post an article on how to install it on Ubuntu 10.10…