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Install Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10 Plymouth Splash

Here is a guide to install the Ubuntu 10.04 or 10.10 Plymouth themes. These Plymouth themes are made by ~Internauta2000. These Plymouth themes have an english and spanish version

First download the Plymouth themes pack here. When dowloaded open the fille and select the file and drop it on your Desktop.Now open and extract the contents onto your Desktop. To install the Ubuntu 10.04 english Plymouth theme open a Terminal window (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal) and copy+paste the following lines:

cd Desktop

sudo cp -R INT2MIL-Ubuntu-10.04-Eng/ /lib/plymouth/themes/

sudo update-alternatives --install /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /lib/plymouth/themes/INT2MIL-Ubuntu-10.04-Eng/INT2MIL-Ubuntu-10.04-Eng.plymouth 100

sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth

A menu will apear. Type the number that corresponds to INT2MIL-Ubuntu-10.04-Eng in the list and press Return. In your Terminal window Copy+paste the following line:

sudo update-initramfs -u

To see a preview of the theme copy+paste the following lines in your Terminal window:

sudo plymouthd

sudo plymouth --show-splash

To quit the preview copy+paste the following line:

sudo plymouth quit

Note: The preview window doesn't show the plymouth theme full size so it's a bit out of proportions.

If you want to install the 10.10 Plymouth, open the fille and select the file and drop it on your Desktop.Now open and extract the contents onto your Desktop. To install the Ubuntu 10.10 english Plymouth theme open a Terminal window (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal) and copy+paste the following lines:

cd Desktop

sudo cp -R INT2MIL-Ubuntu-10.10-Eng/ /lib/plymouth/themes/

sudo update-alternatives --install /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /lib/plymouth/themes/INT2MIL-Ubuntu-10.10-Eng/INT2MIL-Ubuntu-10.10-Eng.plymouth 100

sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth

A menu will apear. Type the number that corresponds to INT2MIL-Ubuntu-10.10-Eng in the list and press Return. In your Terminal window Copy+paste the following line:

sudo update-initramfs -u

To see a preview of the theme copy+paste the following lines in your Terminal window:

sudo plymouthd

sudo plymouth --show-splash

To quit the preview copy+paste the following line:

sudo plymouth quit

Note: The preview window doesn't show the plymouth theme full size so it's a bit out of proportions.

To install the spanish versions replace Eng for Spa in the file names and command lines. In the fille are 2 read me files with installation instructions for the english and spanish versions.
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14 years ago

First thank you folk for your effort.

It seems not working with my trying though I have done 2 correction of your instruction in the process of learning, since I am inexperience in Ubuntu in general or Linux as it matter.

ie: “sudo update-alternatives –install…”
and “sudo update-alternatives –config default.plymouth”

I mean, it seems no indication of any error after execute your instruction, but nothing happen after restarting my computer.

Any idea why it does not working? A solution is definitely grateful to see that splash screen.

14 years ago

Correction to my previous post.

Actually your instruction is completely fine, it is just due to issue of 2 continues dash shown as single one on webpage.

However, I still need your help to make it worked. A gain, thank you!

Chaitanya Parekh
Chaitanya Parekh
12 years ago

I have used this plymouth several times on different systems. I shared it with one of my friend. he has been using it on some different hardware. but the issue is that the spinning object get displaced from its original place. I mean the logo is available in the center but the spinning object is not spinning around the logo, rather it is displaced on the left side and spins.
have anyone found the same issue and/or solution for the issue