The Faenza and Faience icon themes are my favourite icon themes to use on Ubuntu. You can install them using the tiheum/equinox PPA from Matthieu…
To change the looks of Ubuntu 11.10 you need to install the gnome tweak tool. Gnome tweak tool is a tool to customize advanced GNOME…
Gstyle is an application that allows you to manage and customize all the aspects of Ubuntu from GRUB to the desktop. Gstyle can manage and…
Here is a guide to install the Mac OSX Snow Leopard theme on Ubuntu. First you need to download the theme pack from gnome-look. When…
Here is a manual that will show you how i created this desktop theme. For this i used awn (avant window navigator) and a-desk. I…
On my search for an GTK theme editor i found this application that changes your theme. It can change the global colors, buttons, panel, desktop,…
Orta theme is a GTK2 theme made by SkiesOfAzel and is a theme that comes with emerald and Xfwm4 decorations. Orta is a nice and…