This is the easy way to get the Vice C64 emulator working in combination with Wine. If you don’t have Wine installed read this post…
Y PPA Manager is an application you can use to add, delete, purge, backup and search for a ppa on your system. You can install…
DestroyTwitter needs Adobe Air, to install Adobe air read this article. You can skip the first part (Flash Player and Acrobat Reader) unless you still…
Here is a guide to install some Adobe Flash Player, Acrobat Reader and Adobe Air on Ubuntu 12.04. I was looking for a way to…
The Cyanogenmod compiler is an application that you can use to build your own Android rom (Ginger Bread, Ice Cream Sandwind and Jelly Bean). It’s…
Liferea (Linux Feed Reader) is an aggregator for online news feeds. There are many other news readers available, but these others are not available for…
Here is a guide to install LAMP on Ubuntu 12.04. LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, php (and/or Perl). When LAMP is installed you have…